The Tulsa County Clerk of Courts is responsible for maintaining the records of all Tulsa County District Court cases. Court records are documents created during legal proceedings, such as criminal case files, bankruptcy records, and records from family or probate court. Court records contain information about proceedings, including names of the parties involved, dates of hearings, testimony and evidence, and rulings in cases. Court records are kept in office for a period of time and then archived or destroyed. Most are considered public records, though some information may be redacted when copies are provided to the public. Don Newberry is the current Court Clerk.
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Copies of Tulsa County court records should be directed to the Court Clerkâs Office. Requests should provide the name and contact information of the person making the request, as well as information to identify the court records sought. This information might include: the full name of the plaintiff, defendant, or attorney involved in the case; the case number; the date range the record was filed; and/or the document type. It may also be useful to indicate the need the request is meant to fill and if the records should be certified. Certified records are stamped by the custodian of records to indicate they are true copies of the originals.
Tulsa County Court Clerk
500 South Denver Ave.
Room 200
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103-3832
Phone: 918-596-5420
Tulsa County Court Clerk
Circuit Court Records Requests
Case Search